ReSound Hearing Aids

ReSound plays a sizable role as the GN Group’s leader in innovation; with their continuous research efforts into medical, professional, and consumer audio solutions, they’re working hard to develop, manufacture, and distribute all sorts of audio products that never miss the mark.

With the distribution of their hearing aids spanning over 80 countries, ReSound’s driving philosophy, “Rediscovering your hearing leads to a richer, more active and fulfilling lifestyle,” shows their dedication to providing their hearing aid users with the best of the best, allowing them to live fulfilling lives with the gift of hearing better.

They made their mark with their open-standard digital chip technology, which was an industry first that led to improved programming flexibility.

In 2003 they released their ReSound AIR open-fit design, allowing for a more natural sound and less discomfort from plugged ear canals, a problem common among hearing aids prior to its development.

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Organic Hearing With ReSound

Mimicking how sounds are collected and delivered to your brain, ReSound’s Organic Hearing is a testament to their commitment to keep nature and science working together when it comes to your hearing.

Organic Hearing applies Wide Dynamic Range Compression, allowing hearing aid wearers to pick the sounds they want and turn down the volume of the ones they don’t, while also eliminating feedback and distortion thanks to Digital Feedback Suppression technology.

Working with your lifestyle, not around it!

A hearing aid model by ReSound

ReSound’s Hearing Aid Features

ReSound hearing aids feature easy adjustments for changing listening environments, no matter how busy and loud they can get. The sound quality will also automatically improve when multiple speakers are registered, and the open-fit delivery provides natural sound but eliminates feedback and wind noises from affecting what you want to hear.

You can link your hearing aid directly to your smart device and take advantage of Remote Assist troubleshooting and programming support, ensuring help from your hearing care provider no matter where you are. ReSound hearing aids also feature quick charging – for up to three days of continuous use!

Our highly trained hearing care team know the ins and outs of all kinds of hearing aid technology and hearing loss solutions, like those manufactured by ReSound, but the tech isn’t the only thing that makes us passionate about what we do. Helping people across Brampton reclaim their lives with stronger, better hearing health is the cornerstone of what we do.

Starting with a comprehensive hearing assessment, our personalized hearing care works to understand your current range of hearing so our audiology professionals can help you choose the hearing aid that will help the most with your hearing loss challenge. We’ll also take into account considerations unique to you: your lifestyle, personal preferences, and budget are all important factors when choosing the technology that’s right for you.

Advanced Hearing Aid Technology With Brampton Hearing Aid Services

Not only do we sell and fit hearing aids for our patients from the different manufacturers we’re privileged to work with, but we also make sure those hearing aids last as long as possible with on-site hearing repairs. We’re here to help for every step, from troubleshooting the issue to making sure you go home with your devices in the best condition.

If you’ve been thinking that advanced hearing aid technology might be the best solution for your hearing loss challenges, please contact our team of hearing aid experts with the adjacent form.

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