Unitron Hearing Aids

Hailing from Canada, Unitron made their start with analogue hearing aids before making their mark as a global leader in digital innovations for hearing aid technology.

Their large network of distribution partners helped them climb to the top of the leaderboard in the industry.

Their development leaps and bounds earned them the “Best of the Best” award from Red Dot for their Moxi Now, which is the world’s smallest wireless RIC (receiver-in-canal) hearing aid, capable of addressing background noise and sound-level challenges with ease.

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Refined Sound Quality with Unitron

SmartFocus, Sound Conductor, AntiShock, SpeechZone 2, and SoundNav technologies all work in tandem in Unitron hearing aids to guarantee refined sound quality and responsiveness, while also preserving speech to make it more intelligible to the user, no matter the background noise.

A hearing aid model from Unitron

Unitron’s Hearing Aid Features

You can connect your Unitron hearing aid to your smartphone and send feedback and data to the manufacturer or your hearing care provider, enabling seamless troubleshooting and programming adjustments from any location.

Unitron’s Flex program is one of a kind and allows new hearing aid users to try new hearing aids that are programmed for their unique hearing challenges before purchasing them.

Our highly trained hearing care team know the ins and outs of all kinds of hearing aid technology and hearing loss solutions, like those manufactured by Unitron, but the tech isn’t the only thing that makes us passionate about what we do. Helping people across Brampton reclaim their lives with stronger, better hearing health is the cornerstone of what we do.

Starting with a comprehensive hearing assessment, our personalized hearing care works to understand your current range of hearing so our audiology professionals can help you choose the hearing aid that will help the most with your hearing loss challenge. We’ll also take into account considerations unique to you: your lifestyle, personal preferences, and budget are all important factors when choosing the technology that’s right for you.

Life Sounds Better With Brampton Hearing Aid Services

Not only do we sell and fit hearing aids for our patients from the different manufacturers we’re privileged to work with, but we also make sure those hearing aids last as long as possible with on-site hearing repairs. We’re here to help for every step, from troubleshooting the issue to making sure you go home with your devices in the best condition.

If you’ve been thinking that advanced hearing aid technology might be the best solution for your hearing loss challenges, please contact our team of hearing aid experts with the adjacent form.

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