Widex Hearing Aids

Developed in Denmark in 1956, Widex has earned a reputation as an innovative leader in the industry from their history of constantly developing new and improved tech, their strong long-term partnerships, and their “passion for sound.”

With the development of one of the most advanced AI sound engines on the market, capable personalization settings, and seamless connectivity with other digital technology under their belts, Widex hearing aids are known across the industry, especially with their high standards in research, development, and manufacturing.

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DEX Sound Processing With Widex

Widex’s DEX sound processing incorporates AI personalization and seamless integration with other digital technology, improving your listening experience to overcome the challenges of any busy listening environment.

DEX sound processing also incorporates Widex Fluid Sound Analyzer, which utilizes machine learning to optimize sound settings, and Widex Moment, which helps produce a more natural sound by synchronizing the arrival of processed sound with sound that isn’t processed through your hearing aid.

Widex Moment has become the preferred sound tech of musicians worldwide.

Hearing aid device by Widex

Widex’s Hearing Aid Features

Widex Zen Therapy allows for connectivity with iPhone and Android devices and delivers sound-masking therapy to assist with tinnitus management. Rechargeable batteries, connectivity, and easy personalization are all included with Widex hearing aids.

The TeamViewer app also allows users to receive programming adjustments and tech support from their hearing care provider or the manufacturer from the comfort of their own home.

Our highly trained hearing care team know the ins and outs of all kinds of hearing aid technology and hearing loss solutions, like those manufactured by Widex, but the tech isn’t the only thing that makes us passionate about what we do. Helping people across Brampton reclaim their lives with stronger, better hearing health is the cornerstone of what we do.

Starting with a comprehensive hearing assessment, our personalized hearing care works to understand your current range of hearing so our audiology professionals can help you choose the hearing aid that will help the most with your hearing loss challenge. We’ll also take into account considerations unique to you: your lifestyle, personal preferences, and budget are all important factors when choosing the technology that’s right for you.

Continuous Care for Your Hearing With Brampton Hearing Aid Services

Not only do we sell and fit hearing aids for our patients from the different manufacturers we’re privileged to work with, but we also make sure those hearing aids last as long as possible with on-site hearing repairs. We’re here to help for every step, from troubleshooting the issue to making sure you go home with your devices in the best condition.

If you’ve been thinking that advanced hearing aid technology might be the best solution for your hearing loss challenges, please contact our team of hearing aid experts with the adjacent form.

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