We are continuously inundated with sounds as we go about our daily lives. From the gentle hum of the refrigerator to a blaring car alarm, noise is all around us, even if we don’t notice it at first. I’m sure you know that exposure to loud noises can be harmful to your hearing, but do you know how loud sound needs to be to pose a risk to your hearing health?
At Brampton Hearing Aid Services, our goal is to educate and empower you to protect your hearing. Let’s explore how you can prevent noise-induced hearing loss.
Understanding Decibel Levels
Noise intensity is measured in decibels (dB). You’re at a greater risk of hearing damage when noise exceeds and continues at a level of 85 decibels. To put this into perspective, your washing machine produces sounds between 50-75 decibels. A concert can reach 100-120 decibels, and a balloon popping registers at 157 decibels for just a split second.
How Loud Is Too Loud
The problem stems from a combination of loudness and duration. If sounds get louder than 85 decibels, your exposure time must be reduced to avoid hearing damage. For example, while a balloon popping near you for a split second may not cause any harm, going to a concert that lasts two hours at 120 decibels can deliver severe damage to your ears.
Common, everyday sounds like ambulance sirens and construction noises can exceed 95 decibels. Even a standard hair dryer can be loud enough to damage your ears if you’re using it for too long!
How Can You Protect Your Hearing?
Here are some practical steps you can take to protect your hearing for years to come:
Wear Hearing Protection:
Earplugs are crucial when exposed to loud noises, whether at work or during leisure activities. If you’re regularly exposed to loud noises at work, custom hearing protection is a worthwhile investment.
Use Over-the-Ear Headphones:
Noise-cancelling over-the-ear headphones can minimize the need for high volume by blocking out background noise, making them a safer choice than earbuds. Aim to listen to music at 60 percent of the maximum volume for no more than 60 minutes at a time.
Turn Down the Volume:
Make sure the volume on your TV and electronic devices is at a safe level, and take breaks when using your devices.
If you have an existing hearing loss, the best thing that you can do is seek professional hearing care. Your audiologist will conduct a hearing evaluation and put together a customized treatment plan for your needs.
Your Hearing Health Partners in Brampton, Ontario
If you or a loved one is in need of professional hearing care, our team at Brampton Hearing Aid Services is here for you.
If you or a loved one is in need of professional hearing care, our team at Brampton Hearing Aid Services is here for you.
If you’d like to schedule an appointment or if you have any questions we may be able to answer, give our office a call at (905) 791-2203.
We’re available Monday-Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
You can also complete this form to request a callback, and a member of our team will be in touch with you. We look forward to hearing from you!