Finding a way to reconnect with the world around you through the use of hearing aids is a positive step toward a better quality of life and greater independence.
Most people struggle to make it past the toughest part: admitting that you have a hearing problem and taking action to treat it.
While weighing your options about which hearing aid is right for you, you have probably run across the competitive pricing of Costco hearing aids. Since many of us already shop at Costco, getting your hearing aids makes sense at first glance, but is it the right choice?
We understand you might want to shop around a bit before making a purchase, but we want you to understand exactly what you’re getting before you invest in the future of your hearing.
To help you make an informed choice, we thought we’d do a side-by-side comparison of Costco vs. Brampton Hearing Aid Services. Our comparison should allow you to feel more confident that you are making the right decision.
Our Quick Side-by-Side Comparison
We won’t deny that the price of Costco hearing aids is extremely competitive, but we want you to remember that the large chain’s primary area of expertise is retail sales.
Purchasing hearing aids is a short-term solution, but true better hearing success requires going beyond the purchase of hearing aids by providing ongoing support to ensure you get what you need from them.
Our hearing care service is patient-centric, which means our assessments evaluate the person as a whole, going beyond the ears to discover how your hearing challenges are impacting your quality of life and your overall health.
Six Differences Between Costco and Brampton Hearing Aid Services
#1 – Access to the Solutions You Need
Costco sells Kirkland brand hearing aids. They are prescription-level hearing aids capable of addressing more advanced hearing loss, and they are built for Costco by a major hearing aid manufacturer: Sonova International, the same company that makes Phonak and Unitron hearing aids.
In contrast, we specialize in all custom and non-custom advanced technology hearing aids from nine of the world’s top hearing aid manufacturers.
Why do we provide such a broad selection?
Each device and manufacturer have strengths, and different devices are better suited to meet the needs of different patients. Access to all the available solutions allows us to recommend the absolute best solution for each patient’s unique hearing needs as well as your personal preferences.
Keep in mind that we see hearing aids as one of the tools in our toolbox for helping you achieve the best possible optimal outcomes, and we are here to listen carefully to what you want and answer your solution-driven questions.
We allow you to choose between the various styles and features available from all levels of technology for a personalized fit rather than having only a few options from a single manufacturer.
Costco’s hearing aids often come locked, which means that no other provider will be able to make adjustments. Essentially, you’re locked into working with Costco.
#2 – Emphasis on Long-Term Hearing Care
When it comes to Costco vs. Brampton Hearing Aid Services in the area of long-term care, there’s no comparison.
Along with being a prescriptive solution (addressing a specific auditory deficiency), the hearing aids we provide are personalized to your unique needs. As your needs change over time, we provide ongoing adjustments using real ear measurement to meet your changing needs, which is critical to achieving successful outcomes.
Every step along your journey to better hearing, we’ll make adjustments that coincide with your activities, performance requirements, level of tech savvy and personalized programs as your needs and preferences change. We also provide extensive counselling regarding communication strategies and how to best utilize the features of your hearing aids.
#3 – Costco Is a Retail Store | Brampton Hearing Aid Services Is a Hearing Care Clinic
Costco is great for many things in the world of retail shopping. At first, purchasing hearing aids seems to be one of them, but you probably won’t get a comprehensive hearing assessment before your purchase.
While a hearing screening, like the free hearing test offered by Costco, is a great first step toward treating hearing loss, it is nowhere near as accurate and intelligent as the equipment we use to fully evaluate your hearing and its impact on your overall health and quality of life.
Our assessments begin with an in-depth case study to learn about your medical history, the reasons for your visit and your objectives. We examine the ear canal using an otoscope to determine if something is blocking the eardrum or if it has been damaged, and we use tympanometry to assess your middle ear health and impedance.
In addition to a typical audiometry, our clinicians implement speech-in-noise testing as a real-world measurement of how your hearing functions.
Our experienced doctors of audiology then take the results of all your tests, along with your medical information, occupation, lifestyle, activities and goals, to develop a personalized treatment recommendation, and we always perform real ear speech mapping to verify our hearing aid fittings.
#4 – Warranty, Repair and Maintenance
Costco has a favourable policy regarding loss and warranty – they offer three-year protection.
While they put forward a decent effort, we take it a step further. We offer unlimited cleanings in the office with our treatment plans, and before your hearing aids’ warranty expires, we send every hearing aid out for a full manufacturer inspection and pre-emptive repair to extend the life of the instruments.
#5 – How We Operate
The point bears repeating: with Costco, you’re dealing with an international retail chain. We are a locally owned and operated practice. The team of hearing care professionals at Brampton Hearing Aid Services is a part of the same communities where our patients live and work.
Wearing a hearing device home after a successful purchase or a one-and-done transaction is just not the way things ought to be done when you’re dealing with a healthcare issue that can impact your physical, mental and psychological health for the rest of your life.
Successful audiological and hearing treatment requires an ongoing relationship with your hearing healthcare provider. Our continuous support and monitoring, along with essential adjustments as your hearing changes naturally over time, are critical elements in helping you achieve your better hearing objectives.
We perform hearing assessments, programming and real ear mapping after 3 years and annually after that to ensure our patients continue to have their needs met by their instruments.
Our team of audiological professionals stays up to date on what all the hearing aid manufacturers are working on so we can offer you a service you’ll benefit from, and we are always looking to ensure your needs are met.
#6 – Value Comparison
When it comes to price, Costco hearing aids cost less. However, when the conversation turns to the value you receive for your investment, that’s where Brampton Hearing Aids Services shines, delivering additional services like:
- Ongoing counselling about the use of listening devices or accessories to hearing aids, including TV streaming and help with Bluetooth-related connectivity with your cell phone to ensure you can make the most of your experience.
- Helping you complete forms and submit claims for your insurance and government programs.
- Continuing to treat WSIB patients where many clinics have opted out.
- Providing expert, professional cerumen (earwax) management.
- Treating tinnitus patients where most Costco hearing aids do not offer any tinnitus treatment solutions.
- Being located in a medical building and having a close working relationship with our local GPs and ENTs.
We think our extra effort and value-added services are a critical part of making sure you are satisfied with the care you receive and the outcomes you achieve.
We Support Your Decision
Most people assume that hearing aids are the solution to hearing loss. In reality, hearing care is the solution to hearing loss, and hearing aids are one of the many tools available to help you hear better.
We hope our comparison of Costco vs. Brampton Hearing Aid Services has provided the information you need to make an informed decision about the future of your hearing.
While we respect you and your decision to address your hearing in the way that best meets your needs, we would like to encourage you to contact us online or call us at 905-791-2203 today!